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Earn Money Through The Power Of Passive Income

Investing in SMEs: Your Path to Wealth


30+ Successful Deals


38 Million Invested in 2023


43 Million Invested in 2024 so far

21% Net Average ROI


0 Default

230+ Investors


All About SME’s

Tap into a New Kind Of Investment

Welcome to our financial and investment consulting firm, where we focus on helping retail investors in the region. We know finance can be tricky, so we’re here to make it simpler and guide you towards securing your financial future.

Our Services

What We Do To Serve You Best

Financial Consultancy

We develop comprehensive strategies that incorporate investing in SMEs as a core component.

Investment Management

We ensure strong growth prospects align with clients’ risk tolerance and financial objectives.

Corporate Advisory

We develop innovative solutions that enhance our clients’ competitive position. 

Investment Marketplace

We develop comprehensive strategies that incorporate investing in SMEs as a core component.

Financial Consultancy

Financial Consultancy

We develop comprehensive strategies that incorporate investing in SMEs as a core component.

Investment Management

Investment Management

We ensure strong growth prospects align with clients’ risk tolerance and financial objectives.

Corporate Advisory

Corporate Advisory

We develop innovative solutions that enhance our clients’ competitive position.

Investment Marketplace

Investment Marketplace

We develop comprehensive strategies that incorporate investing in SMEs as a core component.

Financial Consultancy

We develop comprehensive strategies that incorporate investing in SMEs as a core component.

Financial Consultancy

We develop comprehensive strategies that incorporate investing in SMEs as a core component.

Investment Management

We ensure strong growth prospects align with clients’ risk tolerance and financial objectives.

Investment Management

We ensure strong growth prospects align with clients’ risk tolerance and financial objectives.

Corporate Advisory

We develop innovative solutions that enhance our clients’ competitive position.

Corporate Advisory

We develop innovative solutions that enhance our clients’ competitive position.

Investment Marketplace

We develop comprehensive strategies that incorporate investing in SMEs as a core component.

Investment Marketplace

We develop comprehensive strategies that incorporate investing in SMEs as a core component.

Why B1 Ventures ?


Comprehensive Expertise and Professionalism


Contributing to Economic Growth and Innovation


Unlocking Access to Capital for SMEs



Start Investing Today

Discover Vetted Businesses In a New Asset Class and Build a Portfolio Fit for You !

Al Khatem Tower, ADGM. Abu Dhabi, UAE


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